Spending the night before in the town of Yucca Valley, just outside of Joshua Tree NP gave us a good start to finding the right campsite in the National Park for our two weeks stay.
View of the mountains near Yucca Valley, CA
We got up bright and early, had our coffee and breakfast, hitched back up and headed for our destination. We knew that if we got in early enough, we would be able to find a good campsite. If we prolonged, than our chances would get slimmer as the day went on. As the saying goes: “The early bird gets the worm”.
Arriving at the West Entrance gate around 8:30am, the ranger informs us that campsite are probably still full, but many should be leaving and we should be able to find a site. What we didn’t realize is that the campgrounds are in the center of the interior of the park.
First campground we came to, there was no way we would get our travel trailer around the loop. It’s a good thing that I parked outside of the gate and let Brian go take a look, or we might have been in a pickle!
Next campground we were informed that we would fit in was Jumbo Rock. At first we planned on going into Belle Campground, but feared we might get in a tight situation, since it was a much smaller campground.
So at the first chance of pulling the rig over and parking inside Jumbo Rock Campground, Brian starts to scout out us a spot. With my foot still healing and not able to go far, I stayed back. We soon learn that the campsites are more designated for tent campers and small, small RV’s. Only a few sites that would accommodate even our size of a unit-which we consider to be small. As one was packing, Brian approached the family and they were leaving soon. They were very nice and told Brian if we wanted this site, to go ahead and fill out the slip and put it on the post, so that no one else could claim it.
Once they were gone, it was now time to get parked and set up in our new site. Only one downfall-I had to go in the wrong way-due to the fact that I couldn’t get around a huge rock and it also stated no travel trailers. But this site was an end site and would fit us just nicely.
Our campsite-notice the wrong way sign? Only way we could get in.
When it comes time for our departure, I will have to back it up onto the main roadway, with Brian’s help of course. Sure enough as soon as a campsite emptied out, was once again occupied by new campers.
I think Leah is already loving this spot. So far she has been able to “stalk” lizards”, get all fired up that chipmunks and squirrels are in her so-call area! She didn’t sleep a wink all day, too busy going from window to window just watching and waiting for something to move.
Later in the evening feeling energetic and the foot feeling pretty good, we decided to take a walk around the campground. Jumbo Rock has over 100 sites. But only a few will fit larger rigs. Majority of the sites are along the roadway.
Sites are very tight and close to the roadway
We are situated amongst Jumbo Rocks and very large boulders with very unique formations. Many enjoy climbing onto the rocks and we even found a few that had planned on sleeping on top of one of the boulders.
See the people on top of the boulders?
Hope they don’t get blown away!
The next morning we awoke to very strong winds and temps plummeted into the upper 40’s. As we peak out our window to see if the ones sleeping on top of the boulder, sure enough were gone. As we walk around just a short distant, we notice that most in tents have packed it up and headed out-leaving behind lots of firewood for us to gather!
We get no TV reception, no cell phone and no internet. So our nights will be occupied by sitting around a nice warm campfire-once the winds subside……
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